Visiting Adelaide to catch up with a daughter, son-in-law and grandkids and staying with a good friend from my rugby days down there, you will see once again how the setting can change what the birds we are familiar with look like. That, in turn, allows us to notice some things that are slight variations and thus different species to what we are more used to in this area.
This first set of photos were taken in the garden of my rugby buddy who hosts me during my visits to Adelaide - such a pleasant and peaceful garden they have created to savour ... how we tend to mellow with age (like the good wines we enjoy).
New holland honeyeater after a dunk. |
Drying on the line after a dunk. |
Spotted turtle dove posing against the green foliage. |
A different fuller perspective ... beautifully serene. |
(I think) a young yellow-faced honeyeater. |
New holland honeyeater exploring the grape vine covering the patio. |
During a visit with the grandkids to the fantastic Morialta Mukanthi Nature Play Space within the Morialta Conservation Park it was a treat to play & explore with the kids and to capture photos of some of our more colourful parrots and lorikeets. This would be a great place to visit for a day just bird-watching. Here is a sample to enjoy 😀.
An eastern rosella looking at home among the gum leaves. |
(I think) a young Adelaide rosella. |
This final four photo sequence offers a sense of why it is important to preserve our forests. These are wondeful shots of a rainbow lorikeet guarding a nest hole in a big old gum tree. There is so much for you to observe and marvel at in these images of the beauty of nature and the way it supports living things with living things ... why we cannot cotton on to this fundamental reality as humans is beyond me 😝. WE need to accept we are PART of this.
Savour this wonderful environment in action here.
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