Walking into work, to my office, after my 3 months off and I am acutely aware of many bird calls. As I open my windows to allow the stale air to exhale and inhale the fresh, several of those calls sound very close ... suddenly I am conscious to the avian activity that has, no doubt, been happening outside my windows for the decades I have have been there! Just now by watching with my ears and listening more acutely with my eyes ... and actually taking time to do so ... I NOTICE what has always been there. So much we miss by not lifting out heads, if not our eyes and turning our ears ... each a little bird but each with a distinctive voice ...
Male red-backed fairy wren |
Female red-backed fairy wren |
Golden whistler |
Grey fantail |
Red-browed finch |
Striated pardalote |
And not always small but certainly with a distinctive and loud call and relaxed flight ... the yellow-tailed black cockatoo is a regular visitor!
What an interruption to any day, and in this instance what a welcome back 😊.
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