Wednesday, February 3, 2021

You never know (June 2019)

Always a good idea to have your camera with you. Better to not find anything to photograph when you just head off a for a drive on a whim, than come across something and not be able to capture the moment. However, all is never lost BECAUSE in that moment if you stop to look (and most importantly see) you will have created the memory and thus "captured it" anyway 😊 ... just handy to have the photo to jog the memory!

So, early in June I just headed off on a whim and drove the back way to drive along the river at Pimlico. Just before the Broadwater bridge (this is the town Broadwater near home rather than the body of water highlihgted in my previous post) I spotted a magnificent white-bellied sea eagle (co-incidently) up a riverside norfolk pine. These are just superb creatures and you cannot help but "feel" their power and presence. It turned out to be in a mood to pose and offer a few really good profiles for me. Enjoy!

Now, certainly a different bird, but one that will grow up and so from the grandeur and presence highlihgted above here is the fragility and hope offered from a growing chick - this time an osprey at Pimilco. Waiting patiently for the return of mum or dad or both with sustenance. Very exposed and precarious but with an already strong beak and very clear sharp eyes, much to look forward to!

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