So, as promised, this post is dedicated to sharing the variety of birds we had the pleasure of sighting and observing during our three days at Mount Barney. Quite a few of these were new sightings for me ... not surprising given it quite a different habitat to the north coast, but equally, not too far away. But it did highlight for me the way some birds have a more specialised habitat and some others far more expansive habitats. I hope we maintain as many as possible because the variety is wonderful on so many levels (geography, flora, fauna and climate to name a few to savour).
While browsing to select the photos for this and the previous post, I paused after the previous post and was reflecting on my comment therein "
This was a wonderful few days of quiet sitting, reading, watching, walking and photographing and then being spoiled with a variety of home-cooked dinners delivered each night to the bungalow." I took 378 photos over the 3 days ... so, yes, in spite of that we did indeed enjoy the peace and quiet and other things - no internet and TV there so seemed a lot more time too (which, of course, is just silly!!). However, to the Mt. Barney birds ... i have kept you waiting long enough ...
A treat to begin with was a glimpse (sadly not a clear shot!) of the distinctive plumage of the bell miner ... the bell bird ... such a beautiful sound driving through wooded hills and mountains. Like that eastern whipbird - easy to hear and damn difficult to sight!
Bell miner
As you will have seen already the kingfisher is a favourite 😌, partly because they are as beautiful as they are small and partly because I have been fortunate to locate a habitat where they are easy to spot and they are willing to be photographed. This you "know" if you have been following the blog and have a look at the labels indicating the
sacred kingfisher has featured regularly. So what a treat to see the azure kingfisher on our very first evening over a late afternoon glass of wine on the bungalow verandah looking out over the pond 😊
Azure kingfisher
Next morning a taste of the variety just from the bungalow ... including another new sighting (three of the first four photos of this post!) for me of the lovely and delicate pale-headed rosella.
Synchronised pacific black ducks
Pale-headed rosella
Laughing kookaburra - a home among the gum tree! |
And for this next pair pf photos, notice the very happy and gorgeous melody (which of course you cannot hear (hmm ... not self ... good reason to use the video!) of the butcherbird is in full cry ... the second picture provides the reason ... it was flaying a hapless frog (NOT one of those gorgeous little green ones in the previous post I am pleased to report) it had brought up from the ground by the pond to its perch, tenderising for long while before devouring.
The melodic call of the butcherbird
Tenderising a frog for breakfast
After breakfast, I headed up the driveway and a little further up on the same side of the road as the koala featured in the previous post I spotted the pacific baza with it's military-like bearing on the perch in a eucalyptus. Another new sighting for me, as was the following couple of shots at the very top of the driveway of the "little birds", not to be left out of the scene 😊
Pacific baza
Little jacky winter sitting on a post |
Little jacky winter resting on a wire |
Further along the road in paddocks off to the left (east) were three more new finds for me. A couple more of the delicately beautiful pale-headed rosellas perusing their grassy habitat and showing off their gorgeous plumage. Then a majestic (young) white-necked heron and also foraging in the grass a common bronzewing pigeon. And in this set, the final glimpse on the return trip to the bungalow was the beautiful king parrot way up in the silky oak (don't worry, have some excellent shots of these in coming posts!).
White-necked heron
Common bronzewing
King parrot |
Then to top of a fantastic day of new sightings, we had a return visit late in the afternoon again from the azure kingfisher (well, I am assuming it is the same one). The light was much better than the first evening too.
Then, on our final morning we had a visit from a small flock of scaly-breasted lorikeets. Same kind of glares and agility and raucous presence as the rainbow lorikeets, but a less gaudy colour palette as the name suggests 😉. And a couple of "black birds" by the pond.
Spangled drongo
Little pied cormorant
And finally, as we headed away on our departure, and after a short morning tea visit to Boonah, we had the great honour of spotting the grand-daddy of our avian tree in Australia ... off in a paddock, perched proudly on dead tree branch surveying its kingdom was the wedge-tailed eagle. Ah 😀 ... I had to brake quickly, turn around on a crest and head back to pull-over and hope that it was still there waiting for me ... how fortunate we were!
Wedge-tailed eagle
Quite the end to our first venture to Mt. Barney.
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