We visited, with my mum & dad, my aunty in South Grafton. Her property backs onto open fields used to graze cattle and run the occasional polo cross events and a bit further down the showgrounds and rugby fields too. She also takes great pride in her cottage garden. So, a nice outlook and environment ... and across the front and a large levee bank and some fields lies the mighty Clarence River too.
Greeting us out front and back were some sparrows. Growing up these were really common, but of late up in our region they seem very rare, so it was a nice treat to be greeted by them.
Carrying some lining foraged for the nest
A favourite spot on the corrugated fence |
Three little sparrows sitting on a fence!
Three little sparrows sitting on a(nother) fence!
And then there were two!
Next are mum & youngster enjoying a break and refreshment at the bird path ... first taking the drink, second making sure it goes down 😉.

Next, enjoying perches on two quintessential Australian icons are mum & youngster
pied grey butcher birds. First, the pair on the Hill Hoist; second the youngster practicing budding choral skills on the wooden paling fence post; and third, mum keeping a close eye on me from the Hills Hoist. So very Australian backyard!!
Then perched atop a fence for climbing vegetables is the very under-rated crested pigeon. Under-rated because they are plentiful and "appear" just a common grey plumage ... until, as in this instance, you see them in the right light showing off their delightful and netted and richly subtle grey and purple plumage of their primaries and secondaries. This one also looks extra cute with the chest ruffled and fluffed by the breeze. Even plain is beautiful with birds 😊.
I could not resist including this young blue-faced honey-eater out exploring. The juxtaposition of it looking around, searching from its iron-enclosed surroundings seems at odds with the freedom of the natural setting beyond the image. Still, a vantage point is a vantage point ... and we all need to learn those to avoid and those to try again!
And to conclude, well what better than the feral pigeon to highlight further the point made above about even "plain is beautiful with birds" ... given the right light and a splash of colour in the verdant background ... e voila!
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